Physics Nobel Prize Winner, Albert Fert, guest at Unime

Physics Nobel Prize Winner Professor Albert Fert was a guest of the University as part of the “Spintronics and Robotics at Unime” conference. Professor Fert held a “Lectio Magistralis” lecture, entitled “The Route from Fundamental science to Innovation”. Aula Magna del Rettorato – 14 September 2018


IEEE MAGNETICS SOCIETY – Young Researcher Award 2018

The Italian Chapter of IEEE Magnetics Society wants to reward scientific activity performed by young researchers in the field of magnetism. With this aim, the Chapter presents an award addressed to a researcher who has published outstanding research about magnetism and related topics in the last years on an IEEE Journal (submission closed 15 April 2018link

“Joint Laboratory UNIME-SINANO of PETAscale computing and SPINtronics – PETASPIN”

The University of Messina – Italy (UNIME) and the Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionicsestablish the research joint laboratory “Joint Laboratory UNIME-SINANO of PETAscale computing and SPINtronics” (acronym PETASPIN), from now on “Laboratory”.

The Laboratory carries out its activities through the direct collaboration about research topics, which both the Parties are interested in. The Laboratory aims to organize and coordinate the activities within their cooperation agreement (n. 518/2016). Members of the Laboratory may conduct:

  1. Research and development projects of common interest, also commissioned by third parties;
  2. Specialized activities of formation (internship, and the like or the related) and orientation, connected with the above mentioned research and development projects.


Unime and Sinano cooperation is approved by the parties

The cooperation agreement between the University of Messina and the Suzhou Institute of Nanotech and Nanobionics, Chinese Academy of Science has been recently officially approved by the two parties. The University of Messina, in particular, ratified the agreement with number 518/2016, protocol 76371, date 05 December 2016.
The two parties are committed to promote joint didactic, research and cultural activities as well as scientific exchanges in the area of mutual interest, and to maintain the highest standards of teaching and research. The cooperation, therefore, may consist in cultural and scientific activities such as mobility of academics, researchers, and students, joint research projects in areas of common interest, exchange of information, scientific works and other scientific and didactic materials of mutual interest, joint initiatives such as seminars, lectures, symposia. The agreement will be valid for a period of 5 years and will be renewed if none of the parties notifies to the other the decision not to renew it.
This agreement represents the proper framework for the project “Nanoscale broadband spin-transfer-torque microwave detector”, funded by the Italian Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, within the “Executive programme of scientific and technological cooperation between Italy and China 2016-2018”.

Best poster award at MMM 2016!

The poster presentation:

“Electrical detection of single magnetic skyrmion at room temperature”, authored by R. Tomasello, M. Ricci, P. Burrascano, V. Puliafito, M. Carpentieri, G. Finocchio

is one of the 2016 MMM Conference Best Poster Award Winners!

The 60th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials was held from the 31st of October to the 4th of November, 2016, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Annual meeting IEEE Magnetics Society Italy Chapter

The Annual Meeting of Italian Chapter of IEEE Magnetics Society will be held in Messina, on June 15, 2016. The title of the meeting is “Frontiers in Magnetism II”, following a previous workshop organized in Messina in 2010.

The co-chairs of the meeting, Prof. Giovanni Finocchio and Dr. Anna Giordano, will introduce 10 invited talks, in the fields of applied magnetism, spintronics, and numerical methods, given by Italian researchers. Strategic approaches for modeling hybrid CMOS/spintronic devices will be presented by two colleagues of the electronics community, Profs. Felice Crupi and Marco Lanuzza from the University of Calabria. Advanced tools for time-frequency study including the Huang-Hilbert Transform, multi-GPU strategies for the efficient computation of the demagnetizing field, spin-Hall oscillators, and skyrmion-based devices will be other topics of the reunion. Dr. Vito Puliafito will be presented with the 2016 IEEE Magnetics Society Italy Chapter Young Researcher Award during the welcome ceremony of the meeting, by Prof. Bruno Azzerboni, Chair of the Italy Chapter, and Prof. Ermanno Cardelli, Chair of IEEE Italy Section, and will give a talk about soliton dynamics in spintronic oscillators.

A special talk will be given by prof. Zhongming Zeng via a skype call, within the project “Nanoscale broadband spin-transfer-torque microwave detectors”.

Seminar by Prof. Zhongming Zeng

The University of Messina was funded by the Italian Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, within the “Executive programme of scientific and technological cooperation between Italy and China 2016-2018”. The project, entitled “Nanoscale broadband spin-transfer-torque microwave detector”, is one of the 14 selected projects, and proposes to design, realize and characterize a spintronic diode with features to be used for energy harvesting at nanoscale dimensions. The Principal Investigator of the project, Dr. Giovanni Finocchio, researcher of Electrical Engineering at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Science, Physical Sciences and Hearth Sciences, will be supported by Professors Bruno Azzerboni, Salvatore De Caro e Antonio Testa, working at the Department of Engineering.

Within this project, prof. Zhongming Zeng (PI of the Chinese partner) will give a seminar in the Aula Magna of the Department of Engineering, on the 10th of June, 2016, 10:00 am. Prof. Zeng works at the Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics (China) and will talk about “Spintronic devices for applications in energy harvesting and microwave detectors”.

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